Thursday, December 13, 2012

The internet, as its finest

I was wondering all day, singing random songs and beeing totally tired... Beeing........... You get it. My real name is Maja............................... Yea.......No. You don't.....

For now, I've caught cold a week ago. So I was on a holiday, and watched Lord of the Rings as a pretraining for the Hobbit :D
It took me 12 hours.
And I also played Diablo III. It was good. Mhhhh.... Killing zombies and skeletons. It's always a good program when the daughter of the simple man can't sleep at 10 pm.
And I ate a lot of chocolate. Same reason as the one above.

I passed my language exam. From english. It feels good to me. Mmm.....

And I had to face with the sad true, but nobody (not a single man) knows that I was a Korra cosplay. Don't even my old con-mate..... (We couldn't met. She hadn't visit Holdfény on sunday.... ; _ ; )
Cruel world.

I was watching the Hollywood Hírügynökség. In this year- I won't see all of his videos... Once again- Cruel world..

Buuut I wanted to do a new post this week (:

So here it is:

Some artisan craft

Necklace to my friends birthday (:

The T-shirt.... Work- still- in progress

I owe you some drawings. My new OC, Manna. She is an earhbender, in the age of 20, and I've posted some sketches on my deviantart , but I've told to make some other details. And I can proudly say I'm working on it (:

To finish this post some Korra and Saint Nikolaus Day stuff

 To be continued.......... ;)

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