Monday, March 18, 2013

My way into the world of otakus

I had a long month, and it is still not over.. I've been on the Model European Parliament, so I had a lot things to do.
I've made new friends, and so when I was showing the blog for one of these new friends the thought popped up in my mind- I love to write this blog, then why the fork am I not doing it?

Today stories will be my anime and manga history- The first anime I've seen, and the first manga I've read (:

The first anime that I'd known about that was an anime, was the Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. My father showed it to me, and I still in love with this movie- since that I also love Miyazaki Hayao ^^
It is strange to see what did Miyazaki before he started to make "tales".

This is a film that should have seen by everybody, though it's a hard critic about the society and it's habits, the post-apocalyptic world that was built by Miyazai is our future.
The whole story depends on the original manga's first three books, the conflict is also more simple. There is a forest with poisonous plants and with insect guarding them. The people live nearby have learnt how to avoid and live together with these harsh conditions, but this harmony seems to coming to and end when the Tolmekian army attacks the forest and the insects with an ancient weapon. Nausicaä, the princess of the Valley of the Wind know the secret of the harmony that the trees and plants purify the air that the mankind infected before.
While watching it, I still hope that the Tolmek ship doesn't land on the fields of the Valley of the Wind, and after I still fear till the end. This movie have captured my heart and also my soul. Worth seeing.

This is the same scene from the anime and the manga (: 

The manga may be found much more easily than the movie, and is also worth every moment invested into the searching and reading/ watching. I've finished the manga in a single day- being so exited I cannot stop reading ^^
There's a lot nations, the story is more complex and also the end confuses the reader by not getting an answer to a whole bunch of questions.

Though Nausicaä has the specific nature that every great hero has, this story is more than a young and kind girls' adventures. It is the bitter truth. If the mankind doesn't stop this wasting lifestyle the world may change to be like it is in Nausicaä and the Valley of the Wind.

I wish that this art would be more famous so the people of the world could think about their actions in a different way after seeing or reading it. This great piece of manga would deserve it.

If you feel so, read it (: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind was a milestone in my life so far and I hope it could also be in others.

My first manga was Battle Angel Alita, what I've received by my brother. He got me a DVD, there's a lot other popular mangas from the 90's like Ghost in the Shell and Akira, but Alita was the loveliest for the first. When I got them I've not learned english yet, so I didn't understood a single word from them. I'm rereading Alita for now, so, now, it is my first and last manga :3

Battle Angel Alita is about a girl who don't have memories. She was found by a mechanicst in a landfill, and got a body. When the mechanist went to his bounty hounting, Alita was following him, and saved his life by killing the target- and turned out that she have special skills in fighting.
The following books are about her path to find out who is she for real.

I learned drawing from this manga, not only by making fanarts but also using the poses as references. The mechanical parts are well drawn, they still help me a lot when I'm drawing something futuristic or stem-punk.

This is an etching, made by me, using the first Alita mangas cover as a reference (:

Mostly, the other fanarst are too bad to show.

I don't know if there is anime from it. Is there? Tell me please, I feel embarrassed.

These womens are my exemplars, and also are the mangakas. When I have the chance, I'm sure I'll cosplay one or both of them, because they deserve to be shown to the world ^^ That's an other question that I probably won't be a great cosplay none of them- I'm not that ambitious, neither my hair is this much..... Never mind :D

If I inspired you, or just reminded you to make something same on your blog, please let me know about it! I have a lack of personal contacts..

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