Showing posts with label stargate cosplay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stargate cosplay. Show all posts

Sunday, June 2, 2013

From the pont of view of the Team Ah-vatar's Korra

We were at Holdfénycon, deal with it!

So my Asami and I went to Holdfénycon, Budapest this spring :) It was a great experience, not because we did a stage performance but also because it was her first time to visit an animecon :D

The performance was about their life after Amon. They become best friends but some time they still arguing about the past- We were playing with Mako's scarf. She (Asami) come to the Air Temple island while I (Korra) was practicing bending, and asked me to play a game. We were fighting a bit, then she gave me the scarf, and together we made the Dancing Dragon :)
We don't really remember, but my only one told us that some screaming was heard during our dance ;D And we got applause as well ^^