Tuesday, December 24, 2013


*Not a Christmas post*

Have you heard about Nicki Taylor? She sang the song Here comes Vi. And she laughs like Lux. And she has a youtube channel, and a facebook page with millions of fans... And she is just 2 months older than mee ; _ ;
I haven't reached a thing in my lifeee..... and she is popular and successful and.. and.. and..... *lies down, cries*

Leave me alone...

And take a look at her Faceook page. She is cute.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Crafting- LoL

Inherited my fathers old phone, so for now, I can take pictures. And I take pictures about everything! >:D

~ Fear me! ~

Since I play League of Legends I have some preferred characters, but my favourite ever is Teemo <3 Who else?..

Anyway, there are three types of LoL players: those who hate Teemo, those who love, and those who haven't met him.
Do you remember that in the not-that-far-past I posted some polymer clay jewelry I made? Since I have a bunch of colored clay and I'd catch the flu, so had free time, I started to make some tiny stuffs from polymer clay.
That's where the fangirl and the creator meet, because tell me, who is tiny?
That's it. Teemo <3
I prefer to wear fan-stuff that are mostly just hints, not huge titles or pictures. If someone know the series, games or films from which I wear something, only he can recognize it, and the others, who don't, won't complain and ask questions about my fan stuffs. In short, I like mindf*cking stuffs...

Thursday, December 19, 2013


How to Train Your Dragon 2!
It's almost here!! This is the second trailer! Can't wait! AAAaaaaahhhhHHhh......


Secret Ghosts

Again a lost post. It's from Halloween's competition :)

Have a look at it at Dangerous Beauty- SA by ~Pongii

The longest night of the year the souls and the long forgotten spirits haunt the living. Be careful this time of the year, because where candles light the shadows are darker, and even the beauty might be dangerous.

Crafting- Korra stuff and flowers

Still trying to gain upon myself, these should be posted in may or something.....
Let's start with the Korra stuff :)

I received this Water tribe necklace from my dear Asami, back then I've also mentioned it here  :)

It was an unique piece of my necklace collection, but a really lonely piece in parallel.
So I decided to make a Sato Industries logo as a companion to the poor lonely Water Tribe medal ^^ I wear them together since then :D Happy ending!

The medal was made by polymer clay, the colors were mixed to be like this. A hard job its was.. It's purplish brown and the gear is something meat color like :'D But for my excuse, the original banner uses the same colors, so it's OK.

Friday, December 6, 2013


In crafty and creative mood! Sallalalallalaa~

Approximately a month ago I received a notebook from my fantastic and only one, but I didn't liked it that way. It was only a brownish booklet with a blue logo on its cover.... but then I remembered, that I've seen that Hoshiko91, who is pretty amazing, made some booklets and posted them on Facebook:
Look at them! Aren't those some inspiring stuff? :D

So one day, when I had time to such a serious duty, I killed a newspaper with my bare hands, and started to cover the cover of my notebook with the pieces. As my (chosen) nickname is TejeskávéEper, what means Caffee Latte-Strawberry (everything that is delicious), I searched for a coffee themed napkin, and put it on top of the whole with decoupage technique. Then drew myself with some strawberries levitated by me :P

I used glue, what is for napkin techniques, and my imagination ^^

Here is the result:
Whohoho-hoo, levitating strawberries!!
There is also a Calvin and Hobbes comic on the bottom of the page :)

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Music for You

Of Monsters and Men- Dirty Paws

Because awesome best friend linked it some time ago, and I finally downloaded the whole album. Now I'm going to listen it until I hate it ^^

Aaand also because I know that one of my dear readers (I love you both <3) has finally got her computer done, and she can finally listen to music I link!
So listen!

Bye huns :3

Sunday, November 24, 2013

League of Legends, or Why did I star to play another game?

Anyone that knows me a little must have learnt that I have a thing for concept artists.
~(Story time)~
Years before (surely I must have been under 12) I found the fantastic and unforgettable Jason Chan and I was just silently loving him for almost 4 years. When one day, my only one came to my life and shortly after saw my background on my PC.

His surprising reaction was saying "Hi there, Jace!" and I was like "What..? You know this art?....." He knew it from the game Magic the Gathering....
...And long story short, this is How I Started To Play Magic The Gathering

But... look at his work, and say you don't like it!

(If you say so, I won't believe you. Just saying.)

For your information, his work inspired me trough years and helped me accept the thought of drawing digital. I was a big snob, my strong opinion was that only those arts could be appreciated that are made on paper with ink or pen, because when you work on computer, you can variate your art, your mistakes don't matter. I learned my lesson. Anyone that can create must be treated as an artist, because every artist put effort into those pieces and, at least the work that he or she had with it, must be appreciated. Thank you internet, and especially thank you Jason Chan!

My habits never change, this time I did just the same...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I was followed home

..by a cat.

He is soo damn cuuute!!

For now, a month ago I was walking home and this little fella was wandering on the street and when I asked him "Kitten?", he came to me and we just loved eachother for some moments. It was only some houses away from where I live, so I told him to stay, because we already have a cat, and we don't really need another no matter how kind or cute is it.
But he followed me home. I was running, he was meowing sadly. When I got home, I ran inside and slapped the door. My mom didn't know what to think, but when I told her that there is a red cat standing in front of our front door, her eyes widened, pushed me away from her way, ran out and catch the cat. She showed my father, how cute is this kitten, and started to think about where to lock him for the night.
My father and I suggested to let the cat outside, in case he would like to go home, he could.

But the next morning he was purring at the door, waiting for us to feed him.
So that's how we got another cat.

His name is Calcifer, after Howl's moving castles Firespirit :3

Seaside Korra

You gotta deal with it! :D

I'm back, babes! :3 (Tell me that I still have someone reading these stuff, and that one will be happy to see that I'm back ; _ ;)

Sorry for the long break, but I had so many wonderful things to do and experience and some other less wonderful things to hate and protest against.. The summer has passed and the school started. Also the autumn is here, and we can enjoy its blessing, such as non-stop raining, damn cold winds or these two combined.
Anyway, I'm trying to revive my poor blog, and this will be the first post in this looooong progress :)

In chronological order, the first mentionable moment (or week in this case) was our trip to Croatia during the summer holiday to where I, the insane, decided to bring and wear my first books Korra cosplay, from Legend of Korra.
Huge boots and leather skirt, they've took a lot of space, but I managed to put them into my tiny suitcase.

You say if it had worth my time...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Attack On-ion

Helpful advices of Haicho Levi, the master of kitchens:

Cut the onion angrily (as you can see on the first example),

..and show no emotion and the most important: do not cry. (Also can see, on the second example.)

Eat your choped onions without conscience.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Trade, request, contest

Hi here! I haven't been around for a long time, but I was working during the summer very hard, and also had to relax sometime. The most stuff I've done was easy and beneficial, such as preparing food with ma' love or doing some arts I've asked to make, but this last, not the original way: I was requested trough the internet :) And to feel, how serious is this, this was the first time I've drawn something for someone without knowing him or her! Those who received my art seem to be love it, so I'm pretty glad.

On Deviantart I'm in a group, called Art-Trade-Central, and I've mentioned in June that I'd like to make an art trade as it sounds like a good training and also can make me a bit famous :) Exoen144 answered a few days later that she'd be interested in an art trade, so we made our pact: I'm doing her Star Track Online character, and she is making art in the theme of Caffee Latte and Strawberry. It's my blog's name translated to English, and Strawberry is also the name of my Fursona (my pretty much unknown fursona, about whom you can read here more. Not much, but more.)
So it's her STO character, the finished art.
The upper one is the colored layer on the top of my scanned drawing, without the lineart.
I used black and red pencil for the basic lines, and Photoshop CS5 for the background (it's a picture, I don't know where I found, it was a part of a bigger texture pack..), the coloring and also for the tiny details like her eyes and the glisten.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Liebster Blog Award? That is it!

The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. “Liebster” is German for “favorite”. This award is the “favorite blog award” then.

The rules for this one state that you answer the 10 questions asked of you by the Blogger who gave you this award. These would be Moncsuu 's questions for me. :)

Thank you very much ^^ I'm happily surprised :)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

From the pont of view of the Team Ah-vatar's Korra

We were at Holdfénycon, deal with it!

So my Asami and I went to Holdfénycon, Budapest this spring :) It was a great experience, not because we did a stage performance but also because it was her first time to visit an animecon :D

The performance was about their life after Amon. They become best friends but some time they still arguing about the past- We were playing with Mako's scarf. She (Asami) come to the Air Temple island while I (Korra) was practicing bending, and asked me to play a game. We were fighting a bit, then she gave me the scarf, and together we made the Dancing Dragon :)
We don't really remember, but my only one told us that some screaming was heard during our dance ;D And we got applause as well ^^

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Towel day

The Towel Day.

 A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.

 More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (
strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have "lost." What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.Hence a phrase that has passed into hitchhiking slang, as in "Hey, you sass that hoopy Rord Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is." (Sass: know, be aware of, meet, have sex with; hoopy: really together guy; frood: really amazingly together guy.)
—Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The first Towel Day was held in 2001, two weeks after Adams' death on 11 May 2001. We lost a genius.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The lost posts of April- Birthday Stuff

I registered on tumblr. I have no life anymore. This eats my time. Sorry. I'm mean, I didn't blogged for so long. I love you. Help me.

I turned to 18, which means I'm an adult for now ^^
Could be pretty cool, but it isn't. I bought some beers, but the cashier didn't even wanted me to show her my identity card.... :/ Did I really turned into an adult, or was I always been one?..

Birthday Partiess
Anyway, girls were cute doing my surprise birthday party. We went to bowling, and I also got a video from them :D "Searching for the Avatar" ^^
We had no candles, I had to blow the lighter of Fanni xD I also inherited the fancy tiara of the Birhtday Parties.
Me, as the princess of... a lot of thing:

Brace yourselves, the birthday cake slices are coming.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

I've made a gif!

So.. I made it!
We were at the Millenáris, and my boyfriend took the photos and so I decided to give it a try! And I made a gif :D
I'm soooo proud x3
I hope you like it (:

Here, have some of the pictures shoot that day (:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Silliest dream of the year

So the other day I had this messed dream..

I was cycling in the suburbs with my friend, when my bicycle’s wheel fell off and I had to stop- my friend was far after me, so I didn’t really sorry for the short break. Some of the inhabitants came to help me when one of them mentioned that Benedict Cumberbatch has a summer house nearby. I was Noo way! then the lady, who I was talking to, pointed at a big, ugly, black car saying: “He has a car like that. Actually, that might be his car.” I bent to see if she is right, and yeah, Benedict Cumberbath, Martin Freeman and Andrew Scott was in the car, partying hard… I freezed, and as they was driving away my friend gained upon me. After I told her I saw the Sherlock cast singing and dancing in the world’s ugliest car. My bad, she’s a Sherlockian.. So am I…

(Some of my memories is missing from here.)

Next we were in a stairway, parking out bikes when Sméagol appeared and shouted at us and bewared that the building was an airship, and we were sinking. And he tossed us out. As the airship wasn’t flying too high, we safely landed on a mead- the airship was one of the Metalbender cop’s from Legend of Korra.

I turned into Bilbo Baggins, and Takhisis, from the Dragonlance books, came and asked me if I am married? When I told her that I am not, she was laughing satanic. She also asked my friend and got the same answer- but then Sméagol turned up. He told us that the ship was sinking because it was a living being and a half lockness monster- crocodile was eating it’s internal organs.. In the stairway. The Queen of Darkness asked Sméagol if the crododile was married? He said no, but he known that someone else was. And then Takhisis was laughing more satanic, and my alarm waked me up..

This was so random. I can’t imagine how could my brain do this….

Monday, April 22, 2013


Hey boy!
Did you know rubic cube is a hungarian invention?

I'm a hungarian myself ;)

I'm here again ^^

Aww, so my days were filled with fun, I hadn't have much time to blog-
First, I made a tumblr, to post some Cumberbatch. Well, because I also watched BBC's Sherlock ^^

I could cuddle his hair all day :3

Benedict Cumberbatch. To be honest, I didn't like his face for the first time, but he was acting so naturally I actually fell in love with his Sherlock. (I'd also love Robert Downey Jounior's Sherlock. Maybe I should read some books in the near future. ^^)
He was acting like a real Sherlock- an asshole, who gets the girls.. And last but not least, Arthur Dent is his Watson :3
I have to also mention that Moriarty, who was played by Andrew Scott, is a GENIUS! He is a mad man. A psychopath. And though a smart criminal. I'll search for some other films from him- if he is not a talented artist, I don't know what is he!
The Women. I don't want to know the actress, she is just perfect to be The Women. Mysterious, ambitious, beautiful- someone to be hated.

All in all: Watch the series- handsome man solving some crime made by an other handsome men. And there are also some chicks. Become a Sherlockian today!

Monday, March 25, 2013


Hey Guys! You know what? The winter came back. In the middle of the damned March! Supriiisee.....

The spring has come with snow and wind. It's not a typical weather in this time of the year...

These are the crocuses of my friend.

So while it's quite cold, I cannot do my usual spring-things. Photographing with the girls, sunbathing on one of our riversides or go to school wearing no coats- just a hoodie :(
But like this I have time to draw! Not sure, if it is good or bad.

I would like to start this not too long presentation with a cutie I sketched while I should learning

"My best days are those when I don't learn a word but draw through pages. Sadly, this day wasn't like that.."
As you can see I'm holding my booklet and my pens- pencils- brushes. And wearing a T-shirt. Damn you, bad weather! I would like to go outside ._.

Monday, March 18, 2013

My way into the world of otakus

I had a long month, and it is still not over.. I've been on the Model European Parliament, so I had a lot things to do.
I've made new friends, and so when I was showing the blog for one of these new friends the thought popped up in my mind- I love to write this blog, then why the fork am I not doing it?

Today stories will be my anime and manga history- The first anime I've seen, and the first manga I've read (:

The first anime that I'd known about that was an anime, was the Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. My father showed it to me, and I still in love with this movie- since that I also love Miyazaki Hayao ^^
It is strange to see what did Miyazaki before he started to make "tales".

This is a film that should have seen by everybody, though it's a hard critic about the society and it's habits, the post-apocalyptic world that was built by Miyazai is our future.
The whole story depends on the original manga's first three books, the conflict is also more simple. There is a forest with poisonous plants and with insect guarding them. The people live nearby have learnt how to avoid and live together with these harsh conditions, but this harmony seems to coming to and end when the Tolmekian army attacks the forest and the insects with an ancient weapon. Nausicaä, the princess of the Valley of the Wind know the secret of the harmony that the trees and plants purify the air that the mankind infected before.
While watching it, I still hope that the Tolmek ship doesn't land on the fields of the Valley of the Wind, and after I still fear till the end. This movie have captured my heart and also my soul. Worth seeing.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

ByeAlex- WooHoo!

Gonna be short:

The band who will perform at Malmö on the Eurovison Song Contest, representing Hungary is ByeAlex :3

He's the man in whose garden the fairies really exist <3

I'm looking forward to hear the english version of this song- It is going to be something Mika-like, I think...

Last year I was cheering for Biga- an other lovely man, wearing glasses :D
Thought, he didn't made it to the finals, his song is still popular.

It is said that the songs send to the pre-contest were better than the year before...so  I was wondering, What will happen next year? ;)

Until that we have to cheer for Alex- In soul, we will be with you at Sweden! Ge for it!! :3

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happenings of the week

I think just killed my camera. Hope for the best, the batteries are charging..

Other. I had my presentation today, named The sustainable world. Global issues, great and green things. I was a lot more enthusiastic when I made this, last year.

My favourite slides from the whole:

I wouldn't say that my performance was an interesting one, neither that my theme was.. I've heard lot of people talking during the presentation... I also heard laughter... But I thought that we can respect each other. I was shortened my say, they should not bother me... Anyway, I had bad feelings, after finishing it a boy came to me, and asked (I was thrilled, oh man, a kid, and asking me! there's still hope!) where can he sign that he was here.... Thanks.

But my classmates... Though they've seen it last year, came and listened, and at the end they were applaud, smiled and waved- It was great, congrats!
Also a teacher, who sited in the first line, gave me a pack of chocolate with a ribbon around it, thanking my participation in the Biology and Geography Week (:

Making the presentation, also relearn the whole text wasn't the easiest, I was preparing for this day, I was nervous. But for now, I feel, undertaking the project was worth it.

I also met this week a great music band, Eva & Manu

Damn you, nordics! You make some great music! :/ :D

If my camera chose the life, I'll make some pics about my new jewelries, the finished Katara necklace, and some new earrings :3
And to the end of this week, I'll surely finish my art-contest art :3 Gonna have lot of things to write about ^^

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Long time no see ^^

As I was a bad blogger, I decided to post something - not quite interesting, but anyway, something.

Some commando, and some crisis.

One day we had bananas at the lunch, after turning in a corner, I decided to start a game- like everyone did at least once in they lifetime ^^
But it a hurting pun. My banana-winchesters don't shoot like Ratatatatatat. They shool like BANANANANA!
Horrible. And also genius.

The art was made using an older drawing as reference ^^ - I Kill Zombies!

This one was made in a huge depression during the holidays. I was eating while watching TV, and a commercial came- How to be perfect/ thinner/ beautiful women.
Yah, Fork you holidays, and fork you commercials too.... T_T Omnomnomnom....

BTW, I'm saying: I'm so faa-ha-ha-haat! In that case someone couldn't read it ^^'

I also signed for an art-trade competition on Deviantart (: But I'll talk about that later ^^

Have a nice day! :3

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Favorite? I haven't got one ^^

Haven't visit my blog for days and I came back to this: I've got more than 1000 views :D
LoL - Happiness!

Thehhehehh :3

But back to today's theme- Instruments

Once my friend asked me that which musical instrument is my favourite? And for sure, I couldn't choose (:
If you could say, you have a concrete favourite instrument than I'd say- You might not seen enough yet ^^

Band, musics, instruments. My favorites.

The violin, if it is held by a secure and experienced hand, will show you its soul. That beautiful and calm spirit what lives inside everything and everyone.
The violin is noble, and can only work in harmony with a musician who lives in harmony. In my opinion.

BTW, Bear McCreary composed almost the complete Battle Star Galactica's music. Great talent. How the hell could he make such a majestic lullaby?.. Great talent...
If you liked this one, you shall also listen to Roslin And Adama, or The Shape Of Things To Come.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Republic City (:

Ahoy, and welcome to the city of rivers, aka Győr (:

(Ok, I know there is no rivers on this photo, but that was the best one I could find. It was actually taken during the previous week's snowstorms ^^)

It's been a long time I hadn't post anything, but finally, I'm here to entertain you (:

In this january the snow was taller than most of the snows I ever seen (: I enjoyed myself very well, but the bus and car drivers couldn't share my happiness. The traffic was horrible, though the roads were cleaned every half hours, the shortest journeys got longer than ever. The schools had to release the children at midday, otherwise most of us couldn't go home.

And as I'm such a genius, I had to organize a meeting during these days. Two friend of mine got stuck in the city because I'd like to make pictures.
Nahh, never mind.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hold me tight

Unfortunately I've always paired Korra with Bolin, and hoped for Mako's death loyality after she kissed him.... Boy, you had a cute and loving girl! Now those two women would never be friends...

Never mind..
So! I've made this cute little fanart.

You can see the colored one here- Borra: Hold me tight- Sepia by~ Pongii, the link to the colorless can be found above

As I quoted it before:

She's strong, I'm strong. She's fun, I'm fun! She's beautiful, I'm gorgeous!!

In my opinion this lovely and nice guy deservs the girl (: Not only because he reminds me of my beloved one, but also because of they've made to eachother.
Why does Korra like Mako? Because he's cool. And why should Korra like Bolin? Because he's handsome, not a douche, he's funny and gentle, and he also dated her when the dearest Mako already had an other girl. Mehh... Stupid Korra...

About this drawing:

I just couldn't stand when Bolin saw Them kissing and he ran away, cryed and Korra hadn't do anything. Girl, that man cared about you more than this Mako guy ever would!
So I changed a bit the story- Bolin arrived sooner, and Korra couldn't kiss Mako. Instead she Finally understood that Mako and her don't mend eachother, and went to Bolin.

Not kissing, nothing sexuality- just a hug, and a forehead kiss. Because love is this simple- It shouldn't have started with an intense love making or something... They're going to date, holding hands, and they got know eachother better and better (:

(The colored one was made to impress the community of Facebook through the page Bolin's Eyebrows, here ;) If you think so, like me please :D)

"This lady is my hero"

You can also see this work of mine on deviantart- I can fix it! by~ Pongii 

This drawing was inspirited by a strong girl, named Diana Decsi. She is one of my schoolmates, I see her almost every day, but she differ from us. She lost her right arm in a horrible accident during a holiday trip, in Egypt, and her left hand still works hardly. I have never talked to her, I have never heard her experiences about the life, but I'm sure she is stronger than most of us.
One of her interviews she was asked, what is she going to do with the tennis after all, as she was a champion before. She replied: I'll learn to play with my left!

The other day, I was sitting in front of a class, waiting for my friend, when she walked by, chatting with her friend and acting like a normal 15-year-old. I could only admire her and I thought: If someone, she could fix everything. Not just her own life, but also others.

It's a kind of fanart of her. I imagined as she ages she would have a robot arm and worked as a mechanics. The title is said in the Wreck-It Ralph, and I thought it would fit here perfectly (: And also that's why she have a hammer in her hand.

This lady is my hero.

Stay strong!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Portal ~ Played

Some days ago I was wondering about playing a new game, an yup, today I installed Portal (the first) and also finished it ^^
Now I know that the cake is a lie.

I just liked to make a post, you know ^^

Back to the game!

Hello? Is anyone out there?..

And so, it's a gamer post, here is Fire Lord Osai, as the wizard of Diablo III :D

Hmm.. It's some goodlooking wallpaper 

I was searching for clothes references when I found this pic, and it take me some moments to notice why his face is so familiar to me.. :D Beause my wizard in Diablo III doesn't even similar with this one. Mine is rather a mommy's boy than a Fire Lord...... It's probably my fault. I'm always with him when he's on a mission :/ :D

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Manna~ sketches

I'd like to start with the fact that those are not the freshest drawings of mine, I know that they are odd and have strange faces, but these are just sketches. They are for showing how the character in the future would look like. Behold her character, not the mistakes. (: Thanks

She is Manna, my self-based OC, based on the Avatar- Legend of Korra (:

I was wondering since I've seen the first part of Avatar(- Legend of Aang) that what kind of bender I would be? As every girl in those parts, watching Katara the waterbender was the most appealing, afterwards the airbending, because I'd like to fly as Aang did, but the fire and earthbending didn't really exercise my fantasy... My elements are fire and earth, and I'm confident and stubborn, so the earth would be the perfect element for me, but I didn't liked it...... But that day I watched the Legend of Korra! METALBENDERS?! Wow....... What could be cooler than that? :D Sure, to be the avatar, I know, but really- Metalbenders? Toph was badass as hell when she first metalbended, but that wasn't this cabel-riding thing what the cops do later. So I resigned, and made my first anime/cartoon based character, Manna.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Last, from 2012

I couldn't imagine such a multitude before, or even that someone someday would read my blog (:
I don't really consider This readable, it's getting more and more personal with every post.. But as long as you two read it, I'll try to make great post. Just for you!

So, I know one of my readers- she is my schoolmate, and she'll be my Asami :D
You can read more about our relationship in the post before, or on my deviantart, under the KorrAsami chibi comic (:

Artist in the morning

I'm having a cold, so I am also having time to draw, and make new short comics (:
To be honest, I scanned the following stuffs in parallel with this "con-ic", but I only had energy to post that. The others would have needed much more effort.... Mehh..... Laziness.

But I am here to entertain you!

First, Korra stuff. To be sure that someone would read it. ^^

I've drawn this during the summer, right after I'd watched the series. As you can see, I forgot her coats fur, around the neck. I didn't really like it, but my "adviser" liked it, so... I mentioned it ^^ May someone else like it.