Tuesday, December 24, 2013


*Not a Christmas post*

Have you heard about Nicki Taylor? She sang the song Here comes Vi. And she laughs like Lux. And she has a youtube channel, and a facebook page with millions of fans... And she is just 2 months older than mee ; _ ;
I haven't reached a thing in my lifeee..... and she is popular and successful and.. and.. and..... *lies down, cries*

Leave me alone...

And take a look at her Faceook page. She is cute.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Crafting- LoL

Inherited my fathers old phone, so for now, I can take pictures. And I take pictures about everything! >:D

~ Fear me! ~

Since I play League of Legends I have some preferred characters, but my favourite ever is Teemo <3 Who else?..

Anyway, there are three types of LoL players: those who hate Teemo, those who love, and those who haven't met him.
Do you remember that in the not-that-far-past I posted some polymer clay jewelry I made? Since I have a bunch of colored clay and I'd catch the flu, so had free time, I started to make some tiny stuffs from polymer clay.
That's where the fangirl and the creator meet, because tell me, who is tiny?
That's it. Teemo <3
I prefer to wear fan-stuff that are mostly just hints, not huge titles or pictures. If someone know the series, games or films from which I wear something, only he can recognize it, and the others, who don't, won't complain and ask questions about my fan stuffs. In short, I like mindf*cking stuffs...

Thursday, December 19, 2013


How to Train Your Dragon 2!
It's almost here!! This is the second trailer! Can't wait! AAAaaaaahhhhHHhh......


Secret Ghosts

Again a lost post. It's from Halloween's competition :)

Have a look at it at Dangerous Beauty- SA by ~Pongii

The longest night of the year the souls and the long forgotten spirits haunt the living. Be careful this time of the year, because where candles light the shadows are darker, and even the beauty might be dangerous.

Crafting- Korra stuff and flowers

Still trying to gain upon myself, these should be posted in may or something.....
Let's start with the Korra stuff :)

I received this Water tribe necklace from my dear Asami, back then I've also mentioned it here  :)

It was an unique piece of my necklace collection, but a really lonely piece in parallel.
So I decided to make a Sato Industries logo as a companion to the poor lonely Water Tribe medal ^^ I wear them together since then :D Happy ending!

The medal was made by polymer clay, the colors were mixed to be like this. A hard job its was.. It's purplish brown and the gear is something meat color like :'D But for my excuse, the original banner uses the same colors, so it's OK.

Friday, December 6, 2013


In crafty and creative mood! Sallalalallalaa~

Approximately a month ago I received a notebook from my fantastic and only one, but I didn't liked it that way. It was only a brownish booklet with a blue logo on its cover.... but then I remembered, that I've seen that Hoshiko91, who is pretty amazing, made some booklets and posted them on Facebook:
Look at them! Aren't those some inspiring stuff? :D

So one day, when I had time to such a serious duty, I killed a newspaper with my bare hands, and started to cover the cover of my notebook with the pieces. As my (chosen) nickname is TejeskávéEper, what means Caffee Latte-Strawberry (everything that is delicious), I searched for a coffee themed napkin, and put it on top of the whole with decoupage technique. Then drew myself with some strawberries levitated by me :P

I used glue, what is for napkin techniques, and my imagination ^^

Here is the result:
Whohoho-hoo, levitating strawberries!!
There is also a Calvin and Hobbes comic on the bottom of the page :)