Saturday, August 30, 2014

Dislocated Fun

So I spent 3 and a half day in the freshman camp, in Bodajk, a nice village surrounded by mountains and forests. The weather wasn't the sunniest, but was nice- not too hot, not too cold, fluffy clouds running through the sky, kind of perfect for running outside and existing in 2 mm wide walled houses.. ^^'

Tho it was all fun :)

We were the yellow team, the 'light yellow's were the special education teacher students, we, the 'dark yellow's, rather oranges, were the maths students :)

Tons of fun programs, cute mentors and seniors, nice new classmates, aand infinite amount of alcohol ^^'

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Friend and me went to Sziget festival, tho it was a week ago, here are some pictures!

Guess what concert were we at? ;)